Monday, January 19, 2009

John C. Maxwell is undeniably a profound author. Make Today Count, a New York Times best seller, is not only a 'book' but a handbook. I call it this, because I find myself carrying this small treasure with me throughout my day, and I'm sure I'm not the only one to ever do so! This small find is not a manual of who's pages you can dip into and pick up on the high points. Like myself, you may find yourself not only meditating on many ideas offered, but reading it's entirety time and time again.

This framework is not meant to encapsulate the handbook by any stretch of the imagination. Rather, it is my endeavor to wet your appetite in hopes that you may purchase the masterpiece, for any summary would fail in capturing the secrets stored within the pages.

Given that this read is filled with profitable enlightenment, it can also be a bit overwhelming. My thoughts on posting one of the Daily Dozen each day for the next twelve days, is that you may take each idea to heart and integrate it into your day, adding one new idea each day. My hope is that I provide you with enough information to take away the main idea from the book so that you are able to improve in such areas in your own life, but I truly encourage you to make a small investment in the book, if you haven't already. Truly, it is a piece of work.

Make Today Count: John C. Maxwell

The Daily Dozen:

1. Attitude: Choose and display the right attitude daily
2. Priorities: Determine and act on important priorities daily.
3. Health: Know and follow healthy guidelines daily.
4. Family: Communicate with and care for my family daily.
5. Thinking: Practice and develop good thinking daily.
6. Commitment: Make and keep proper commitments daily.
7. Finances: Make and properly manage dollars daily.
8. Faith: Deepen and live out my faith daily.
9. Relationships: Initiate and invest in solid relationships daily.
10. Generosity: Embrace and practice good values daily.
11. Values: Embrace and practice good values daily.
12. Growth: Seek and experience improvements daily.


- Many people in this world mistakenly believe their attitude is set. It has become such a habit for them that they believe it can't be changed. They see it as one of the 'cards' of life they have been dealt, such as height or a history of cancer in the family.
- Your attitude is a choice. If you desire to make your day a masterpiece, they you need to have a great attitude.
- Take responsibility for your attitude: If you want today to be a good day, you need to take charge of the way you look at it.
- Decide to Change Your Bad Attitude Areas: If you want to have a better day, then you need to go after those areas.
- Think, Act, Talk, and Conduct Yourself Like the Person You want to Become: If you desire to change yourself, then start with your mind. Believe you can improve, that you can change into the person you desire to be. If your thinking changes, then everything else can follow.
- Place a High Value on People: One of the secrets of maintaining a good attitude is valuing people. You can't dislike people and have a good attitude at the same time. Your interaction with others sets the tone of your day. It's like the music of your life.
- Develop a High Appreciation for Life: John Wooden said, Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. The place to start is with the little things. If you can learn to appreciate them and be grateful for them, you'll appreciate the big things as well as everything in between.
- Recognize that Your Attitude needs Daily Adjustments: Like any discipline, your attitude will not take care of itself. That's why it needs to be attended to daily. The stronger your natural inclination to be pessimistic or critical, the more attention your attitude will need. Begin each day with an attitude check, and watch for red flags signaling that your attitude might be in trouble.
- Find Something Positive in Everything
- Find Someone Positive in Every Situation: The world is filled with negative people; in fact, they often flock together. But positive people are everywhere, too.
- Say Something Positive in Every Conversation: Include positive comments in every conversation with others. Sincerely compliment, praise, acknowledge, bolster, raise up, and reward people whenever you can.
- Remove Negative Words from Your Vocabulary: You - or someone you enlist - can be on the lookout for negative words in your vocabulary so that you can eliminate them. If you continually look for and embrace the positive and eliminate the negative, you'll help yourself to begin to think more positively every day.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I remember sitting in Sunday School when I was little, listening to our teacher say our "homework" to execute over the next week was to memorize Ephesians 6:10-17. I was never particularly fond of memorizing much of anything, which to this day is most likely why I can not recall my zip code. Anyway, I buckled down and stored the scripture, thankfully into my long-term consciousness. However, being able to recapitulate passages from the bible is completely inoperative if you're oblivious to the impact it can truly have in your life.

Mastering the Silence by Dough Jones gave me insight on how to amalgamate this scripture into everyday life - literally, every notion that comes into my mind. This is a very short but illuminative reading, and though some ideas may be repetitive, they are unquestionably ideas that you want to be driven into your mind over and over!

Mastering the Silence: Doug Jones

The Battle and Our Armour

- The battle within the mind is unavoidable.
- Failing to maintain our thought life produces consequences, and consequences seem to increase in severity with age.
- Thoughts - little thoughts- will eventually produce destructive and damaging conduct if given enough time and when nurtured properly.
- Ultimately, the price for failing to maintain our thoughts is a quality of life that dips far below what our loving Heavenly Father intends for us, His children
- Our Heavenly Father has made available equipment - or as He calls it, "armour" - that we may use in our order to win this battle within our mind.
- The Bible teaches plainly that we are being destroyed for the lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Therefore, our only hope is to come to know the truth about this war within our mind and the armour with which we are to clothe ourselves. Without this knowledge, the casualties will continue to increase and humanity's quality of life will continue to diminish.
- This armour is described clearly by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians (Read Ephesians 6: 10-17).
- The intensity of Paul's admonishment, along with his chosen symbolism of a Roman soldiers' armour, suggests strongly that if we choose not to comply - if we choose not to put on the whole armour - defeat is inevitable.
- More important than Paul's description of each piece of armour is an instruction he gives twice. Notice closely his words, found in verses 11 and 13: "Put on the whole armour of God..." and "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God..."
- The word "whole" is the key, for it reveals that no one piece of this armour can insure Christian success.
- Paul is informing us that if we desire to win, we must put on what we know about our salvation. Then we are to use what we know about our salvation against the enemy as he endeavors to destroy us.
- When we have put on what we know about these issues and when we use our knowledge of these things properly, we will not be defeated by the wiles of the devil.
- If we are to avaoid becoming another casualty of this war, we must put on and properly use the true armour of God, which is simply Bible knowledge.
- How will we use what we know about our salvation, faith, righteousness, the truth, the gospel of peace, and the Word of God in essence determines whether we win or lose the battle that Paul speks of.
- Paul wanted us to see that if we choose not to put on the "whole armour of God", we will experience defeat as quickly as would a soldier without armour in the midst of battle.
- The consequences of not putting on the whole armour of God are real, and the quality of life will diminish significantly should we lose this battle.

Knowlege and It's Proper Use Wins Battles

- When we experience defeat, the probable cause is either ignorance or a failure to use what we know properly.
- Ignorance and victory are impossible roommates.
- The Bible has much to say about the relationship between ignorance and defeat (Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13).
- We must allow God to clothe us with His truth, and if we will properly use what He has taught us, we can win the battles within our mind.
- Luke provides an example of winning through the proper use of knowledge ( Luke 4: 1-14).
- The more we know , the more victory we can enjoy!
- Our desire to learn must be a driving force within our life.
- The degree of victory we experience in our life will be in direct proportion to the amount of Bible knowledge that we possess and use properly.

The Weapons of Our Enemy

- Should ignorance reign in our life, we should not be surprised if we find ourselves losing this conflict that Paul speaks of.
- What are we to use the armour of our Bible knowldge against? The wiles of the devil, The evil day, and all the fiery darts of the wicked.
- So many blievers today are unaware of the battleground and of exactly what weapons their enemy will use in his attack.
- The tactics of the devil are not a secret. We can know where he will attack and how he will attack. His approach is the same toward all, and all can know the weapons he uses. His mode of operation never changes. he is not a creative being. He does not come up with new ideas and ways to inflict mankind from generation to generation.
- Our enemy is knowable and predictable.
- Our armour is the equipment that we must use in order to maintain our thought life.

The Battlefiled Is the Mind

- No matter the type of war that is faught, winning depends upon knowing your enemy. Knowlege of their strength, weaknesses, weapons, and methods of attack are vital if victory is to be expected. This principle holds true concerning our coflict with the devil himself.
- The devil's attack will be accompanied by a degree of calmness that will not trigger a sense of danger within us. His arsenal will be thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. They will sound as if they are leading us into a better life with more possibilities. But where they will ultimately lead us is where despair and defeat make their homes.
- We must learn from the mistakes of those who have gone before us.
- Ultimately the devil is out to cause us to think on things that are not true and the devices that he uses to deceive us are nothing more than thoughts, ideas, and suggestions.

A Look Into the Past to Understand the Present

- Peter reveals that our adversary walks about seeking whom he may devour.
- Eve (Genesis 3: 4,5).
- Judas Iscariot (John 13:2).
- Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1-11).
- The Devil himself (Isaiah 14: 12-17).
- The Words of the Flesh ( Galatians 5: 14-21).
- As important as controlling the flesh, what is more important is our current thought: every work of the flesh has its' beginning within us as we fail to maintain our thougth life properly.
- A thought will always precede an action
- Losing the battle within the mind will eventually show up in our flesh.
- Losing this battle will eventually affect our relationships with our spose, parents, relatives, and friends.
- Losing the battle can also have a devistating impact on our physical and mental health.

Winning the Battle within the Mind

- Knowldge and its proper use wins battles, and the proper use of what we know begins with "thought identification". The identification of each thought that comes our way must be our first line of defense.
- Thought identification requires the examination of every thought in the light of what we know. And this identification process must not be limited only to fear ridden thoughts or to thoughts that suggest failure or defeat.
- We must investigate EVERY thought as it approaches to determine if it is friend or foe.
- Each thought must be scrutinized with one question: Does the approaching though agree with my armour?
- If the thoughts that are coming my way do not agree with my armour, then at the instant I am to view those thought as dangerous, as something to be avoided.
- Must we examine EVERY thought? Listen to what Paul says, and notice the words "every thought". Second Corinthians 10:5 says "Casting down imaginations, and EVERY high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ."
- The greater our need for victory, the greater the necessity for us to examine every thought.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love Your Life by Victoria Osteen is truly an amazing read. Be sure to have a notebook handy with plenty of empty pages. Also, be prepared to put that highlighter to work!

Understanding your influence

- God has placed great value significance, and importance on the inside of every one of us.

- I am important to God today, and because I am important to God, I am important to those around me.

- What matters most is not how you may feel or how you appear to others; what matters most is what you believe about your own value and significance.

- Not only does our purpose involve our own accomplishments and destiny, but it also involves bringing good and adding value to the people around us.

- Wrong thoughts and wrong mind-sets distort your sense of value and worth and cause you to fall short of your full potential.

- Get in the habit of speaking positive faith-filled words over your life, because a healthy self-image is one of the greatest assets you can have. It will not only cause you to rise higher, but it will inspire others around you to live at their best.

- Your attitude, your confidence, how you carry yourself, and how you interact with others is influencing people in the most subtle ways.

- When you recognize your importance and respect yourself, living each day with a champion's mentality, you are honoring God and reflecting onto others the value He placed in you.

- Just by living at your personal best, your example deposits strength into others and empowers them to rise to new levels.

- Take your position seriously and use your influence well.

- You can't hold on to past mistakes and allow them to keep you from what you were intended to be.

- You can rise above disappointments, negative words, and unfair situations as long as you don't lose sight of your value.

- Dare to be bold and believe that you are a person of destiny because you can leave your mark on this generation.

- God's hands are not tied. He can do whatever is necessary to bring you through.

- Not only are His hands free to help you today, they are stretched out toward you.

- He can open up the right doors and cause the right people to have favor on you. God can soften hard hearts. He can give you factor with authorities. He can cause people to change their minds.

- As you stay in faith, know that God will choose you even when people overlook you.

- Face it in faith!

- When you go through setbacks or when people leave you out, remember, god is working behind the scenes.

- When you stay in faith, you can overcome any obstacle and accomplish everything God has planed for you.

- We all need encouragement, and we should receive it from the people around us, but we can't let that be our sole source of validation.

- When life seems to be dragging you down, you have to be the one to encourage and believe in yourself.

- If we are going to live in victory, our main encouragement has to come from the inside.

- It's great when you have people in your life to hold you up, but what happens when those people are not around?

- Start looking at the positive and you will move forward.

- You have to love yourself for who you are, because if you don't love yourself properly, you can't love others properly. That source of strength has to come from within. You can't expect other people to validate you all the time; you have to know that God validates you, and you have to learn to validate yourself.

- When you understand your value - not who you are, but also whose you are - then you will love yourself more, and you will love those people around you in a greater way.

- Everything we do produces a seed and leaves something for future generations.

- Invest in those around you, because you never know what can happen when you touch just one life.

- When you touch just one person, you are building a legacy of faith.

- No matter where you are in life today, you have potential to increase, to grow, to be strengthened, and to move forward.

- As you discover the valuable treasures in the depths of your heart, you will see yourself with a fresh new perspective; and you will love your life in ways you never thought possible.

Living with Confidence

- Fear is the enemy of confidence. It can keep you from your God-given destiny. the only way to break the power of fear and build confidence is to move forward. Confidence isn't built by playing it safe.

- Everything you need in order to be successful in your relationships, on your job, and in every area of your life is inside you.

- When fear comes against you, His seeds will spring to life and give you the confidence you need to push past that fear and into your destiny.

- When you rely on him, He will give you the confidence you need to press past that fear.

- When you understand who you are and that God is directing your steps, you can embrace your future with confidence, knowing that you are well able to do what God has placed in your heart.

- When you know that God is for you and that He has a good plan for you, your seeds will germinate and spring forth.

- Don't let your past mistakes or failures steal your God-given destiny.

- Don't let the opinions of other people steal your confidence or cause you to shrink back.

- Remove anything that creates a picture of failure in your thoughts and choose to see yourself succeeding.

- It doesn't matter how many times you struck out in the past; that next swing could be your home run.

Embracing What's Important

- We have to be willing to put something down in order to embrace something better.

- If we aren't careful, we can easily become complacent and coast through life never really growing or experiencing that which we are capable of enjoying.

- When you hold on to the past or old mind-sets, you are actually falling into a trap that was designed to keep you from fulfilling your destiny.

- He will never ask you to do something that He hasn't' already prepared you to do.

- God always wants us to move forward so we can tap into our full potential.

- You have to look forward to where God is taking you. He has the right places, the right people, the right opportunities lined up for your future.

- We have to remind ourselves that God always has our best interests at heart.

- We can't stay focused on where we thought we should have been, or what we though we should have had. We have to let go of the old and accept where God has us today.

- Sometimes God stirs us out of comfortable situations and puts us in situations to stretch us and cause us to use our faith.

- Don't approach change from a negative point of view or automatically assume it's going to be bad.

- Know that God is in complete control and He is guiding every on of your steps.

- If you'll lift up your eyes and look out with a fresh vision and a fresh attitude, letting go of the old, then the veil will be lifted and you will see the new things God wants to show you.

- Be open to seeing things from a new perspective.

Keeping the Right Perspective

- Scripture encourages us to constantly put on a fresh new mental attitude. When we wake up in the morning, we should choose to focus on good things; we should choose to be grateful; we should choose to be excited about the day.

- Negative thinking makes the small stuff seem so much bigger, until we are living in constant worry and frustration.

- Those people with the best perspective on life choose to be happy and content with what God has given them.

- To keep the right perspective, we have to magnify the right things in our lives.

- Your life was meant to be enjoyed; you weren't created to constantly struggle and be perpetually discouraged.

- "Your attitude determines your altitude"

- Don't long for the good old days. These are the good old days, so make them count!

- We have to keep our eyes on the big picture so we don't miss the beauty of the moment.

- Seeing the big picture can help us keep the right perspective.

- One of the ways to find balance again is by learning to recognize and avoid exaggerated thinking.

- When exaggerated thinking creeps in, it can cause us to miss so many opportunities and important moments with family and loved ones.

- Everything doesn't have to e perfect before you can enjoy life.

- Make your relationships a priority and find simple ways to enjoy the people you love.

- The most rewarding relationships are built and proven over time.

- Instead of focusing on the problems, choose to focus on the treasure of the relationship.

- We must take control of our thoughts; don't let the negative play over in your head and cause you to say and do things you will regret later.

- When it comes to those little irritations, let people off the hook by looking for the best in them.

- Your words have power to influence other people

- Having the right attitude and perspective means being flexible when things don't go the way you expect.

- A positive person sees the best in every situation and uses her energy to bring solutions to life's challenges.

- When you have a positive attitude, you are cooperating with God.

Making the Most of What You Have

- Being filled with hope and expectation is a great place to start, but it's also a poor place to stop.

- If you are really believing and expecting that big things will happen, you have to put action behind your faith and live your life ready to make the most of every opportunity.

- It is important to use and develop your gifts and talents so when opportunity presents itself, you will have the confidence to walk through those open doors.

- The way to prepare for tomorrow is to live at your very best today.

- If you'll do what you know how to do today, God will help you get to where you need to be tomorrow.

- Every day lived well is one day closer to accomplishing your dreams.

- Don't focus on your mistakes; focus on your milestones.

- See yourself as successful, because what you set your focus on will become reality.

- "I'm going to focus my efforts on being the right kind of person so when God opens that door, I will be ready"

- If God is presenting you with something, He has a purpose for it and He can increase your and promote you to larger responsibilities.

- If you will be faithful in the little things, God will trust you with much more.

- God needs us to pass the faithfulness test so He can pour into us greater things.

- You never know what door God will open for you as you begin to use what you have.

- When you put action behind your faith and trust God, He will pour wisdom, strength, and creativity into you and help you accomplish the dreams and desires He has placed in your heart.

- The more we use our God-given potential, the more ful-filled and the happier we will be.

- What is in your hands may seem small, but don't put limits on what God can do with it.

- If you'll do all you can do, God will do what you can't do.

Recovering Lost Opportunities

- Don't allow yourself to focus on the things you've missed or you could have done better. Allow Him to bring back any opportunities that you may have missed.

- If there are things in your heart that you have laid down for one reason or another, as God to give you another opportunity and open your heart and mind to His possibilities.

- Fretting over missed opportunities won't help. However, you can ask God to give you another chance. Pray that He will show you how to reach out to that person and make up for lost time. Be open for a new way to connect with the people in your life. When you are open and look for creative ways to communicate with the people in your life, God will help you.

- Ultimately, you'll never fail unless you quit.

- Be ready to embrace the opportunities God will bring across your path. As you do, you'll rise higher and higher and you will Love Your Life the way God intended.

Overcoming Offenses

- We must learn to insulate ourselves from offenses and to keep our hearts pure. One of the keys to loving your life is learning how to take those negative things, give them to God, and allow Him to produce the priceless pearls our lives are meant to be.

- Be who God made you to be and do not be defined by the opinions of other people.

- Don't let the words of others define you; instead, insulate that offense. Let it bounce right off you.

- If we allow offenses to hang around they will cause damage that can be nearly impossible to reverse. The results can be devastating.

- We have to recognize when our thinking is moving in the wrong direction.

- If we dwell on those thoughts long enough, we will take ownership of destructive attitudes that will distract our thinking and hinder our life. If we don't deal with the little things in our lives, they'll become big things and rob us of the rich, fruitful life God has in store.

- If you start showing disrespect even in small ways, soon it will manifest itself into larger displays of disrespect that can damage a good relationship. When you allows offenses to linger and grow, before long they will become big issues that strain and weaken relationships.

- If you don't choose to forgive, the only person being punished is you! Unforgiving is like a barrier that actually blocks the door to your heart. We must remove the barrier, fling open the door, and extend forgiveness to others. When your heart is open, you can then release all the hurt and pain and make room for God's healing.

- Forgiveness doesn't mean that what the other person did was right or excusable. It doesn't mean that the incident didn't matter. It simply means that you are trusting God and allowing Him to move you past your hurts and pain and into yoru divine destiny.

- Our bitterness is not hurting th person who offended us. It is only embedding itself our heart and keeping us from Gods' best.

- Choose freedom by forgiveness!

- It's important to recognize that forgiveness is more than mere words; it's a heart attitude that induces a spiritual transformation.

- Sometimes we don't necessarily feel like forgiving, but when we humbly obey God in this area, He will work a miracle in our lives.

- No one's offending words or deeds define who you are or affect your intrinsic value.

- Even though life is nor always fair, God is.

- It's up to us to push our the circumstances and irritants that would try to attach themselves to us and weigh us down.

- It's not what happened to you but what's happening in you that matters the most.

Enjoying Rich Relationships

- If you're not careful, you'll begin to focus on the unmet expectations and the disappointments, allwoing them to affect your attitude, and ultimately your relationship.

- By giving peole room to be human, we can avoid a lot of heartache. Accept the fact that nobody is perfect and even the best people will fail us at times. We can't hold mistakes and failures against the people in our lives when they disappoint us. It is not up to anyone in our lives to keep us happy and content. That is our own responsibility.

- No matter hwo much you love people, no matter how much they love you , at some point, they won't live up to your expectations or they will hurt your feelings in some way.

- You can't expect anyone else to heal your hurts or meet your deepest needs. God alone can heal us and meet our needs through His perfect love.

- We have to clean the slate often and make the decision that no matter what someone does to us, we are not going to hold on to the offense and allow it to pollute our lives.

- You can't measure others by using unrealistic expectatiosn and expect a good relationship.

- Any time someone disappoints you or does not meet your expectations, you have a coice to either dwell on those disappointments or overlook them. However; if you really want to succeed in your relationship, there is a third choice: Ignore the other person's shortcomings and immediately find something in him or her that exceeds your expectations.

- When those irritations come up, you must remind yourself of all the good things that person brings to your life and focus on the benefits of being in a healthy relationship.

- You have to train yourself to focus on the benefits of the relationship rather than its shortcomings.

- Part of having realistic expectations in a relationship is to undersatnd what you can and cannot expect from other people.

-You can't expect somet things from people emotionally if they don't have it to give.

- Relationships are just as much about what you give as what you are hoping to receive.

- Don't push people to change; instead, lead by example and by sowing good seeds. Simply, be the change you want to see.

- Being a model of change doesn't mean approaching relationships with an I'm-going-to-fix-you attitude.

- To make the most of our relationships with other, we have to balance our expectations of them with the grace of allowing them to be who they are.

- Don't fall into the trap of feeling you need to get your point across of teach a life lesson in every conversation. don't try to fix someone. Instead, just relax and enjoy your relationship.

- We have to give others the grace to learn on their own.

- Balance grace and truth and allow others to make their own choices, even if they're not what you would have chosen. Remember, love covers all; and in relationships, love and acceptance are what build the bridges between our hearts.

- God desires for you to have deep, lasting relationships built on mutual undersatanding and having realistic expectations of each other.

- Every day we have the opportunity to prove our compassion. Either we can go around angry, holding a grudge, or we can let go of offenses and put ourselves in the other person's shoes and be more understanding.

- We must undersatnd that our disappointments are for a season, but our relationships are for a lifetime.

- Our relationships are precious, valuable treasure from heaven, and we should handle them carefully, always looking for ways to build bridges to each other's hearts. It is so important that we choose to focus on the long-term effect of our decisions instead of the gratification of the moment.

- It is important to undersatnd that our words, whild only puffs of sound, can have a deep and permanent effect. When we choose our words, we choose strife or we choose love. It is that simple.

- Always speak so our words won't hurt someone else

- We must handle our relatinoships with great care and that love doesn't just happen - we must choose it.

- Relationships evolve over time, people change over time, and our love should strengthen and grow over time, too.

- It's so important to make every effort to keep strong connections in our relationships.

- Keep the connections with your words, with your heart, and with your actions.

- You can connect with anyone with whom you have a relationship.

- "Don't let the sun go down on your anger"

- If you will learn that you can disagree and still be friends, you will enjoy your relationships a whole lot more.

- One of the most freeing experiences for a couple is to recognize that they are two different people who see things differently and who can still love eachother and stay connected.

- There will be times we do not always agree on every decision or subject, but we should always believe in each other, support each other, and move forward through life together - connected.

- Choose to magnify the good in others and overlook the bad.

- We must choose to stay connected on a daily basis.

- When we maintain strong connections and share the love that God has place inside each one of us, we'll enjoy the richness that our relationships were meant to bring.

- Be quick to forgive, don't keep score, but do have realistic expectations. Rememebr, the disappointments are only for a season, but our relatinships are for a lfietime. As you allwo others the freedom to be who God made them to be, you'll enjoy your relationships more and your journey together will be happy, healthy, and whole.

Discovering What Others Need

- Sometiems minor adjustments in your approach to people can make a major difference in the quality of your relationships.

- If you don't have good relationships, you'r enot going to enjoy your life the way God intended. One of the keys to making the most of your relationships is learning to study and adapt to the people in your life.

- It's not always what a person says, but what he does and how he does it that communicates the most about his character.

- The key to loving relationships is to know well the people you allow into your close circle. When you know and understand the people with whom you are in a close relationship, you can better adapt to them in the future.

- If we will be flexible and willing to change, we will have greater relationships and enjoy our lives more.

- If you're going to get more out of your relationships, yo have to study others and find out what they need and then do your best to provide it.

- If you will help other people with their needs God will use that as a seed ot meet your needs.

-We have to be willing to give the peole in our lives thw they need, which may not necessarily be what we need.

- When you take the time to study the people in your life and learn their ways, you will have more opportunities to spend quality time with them.

- Relationships are all about learning.

- Life is a learning process, and the quicker you embrace that fact, he more you'll enjoy the people around you.

- One of the best ways to learn about the people in your life is to become a good listener.

- If we learn to give our best to those who need our time and attention, God will see to it that we get His best in return.

- When you are standing on common ground, it turns the interaction in a positive direction and will help you see eye to eye.

- Sometimes finding common ground means saying nothign at all and simply smiling so you can stand on the common ground of peace. This is especially true when you're in a conversation with someone whose views you don't share. Sometimes you have to let go of your need to be heard for the sake of peace.

- If you feel like you have to give your opinion every time you disagree with someone, you'll waste valuable time and energy that could be used in more productive ways.

- We need to learn that other peole have a right ot their opinions. We don't have to say everything that we think all the time. We don't have to be right or always prove our point.

- Agree to disagree.

- You can't get mad at something just because he doesn't feel the same way you do about a particular subject.

- Sometimes it's better to let things cool off and get a new perspective before discussing it any further.

- If you'll go through life allowing other people to have their own thoughts and feeligns - even if they are completely contrary to yours - you'll keep your joy and peace intact.

- When you are kind and compassionate, and looking for common ground, you have a much better chance of influencing people's opinions and speaking into their lives.

- It's not abotu who's right; it's about what's right, and working together toward a common goal.

- If you will take the time to identify with the people you encounter througout the day, everything will go better, and youf life will become more pleasant.

- When you show kindness and mercy toward someone, God can give you wisdom and new insights about that person. He'll help you understand her better so you can be more compassionate.

-When we are willing to be patient and listen to others, even when we don't feel like it, the results will always be positive and will far outweigh the inconvenience.

- We should always strive to show others that we respect them and value them. Our relationships will thrive when we live considerately and look for the common ground that unites us.

Being a People Builder

- Let's not remind the people in our lives of their failures and fault; instead, let's see the solid rock in them and speak positively about what they are becoming.

- You posess a unique ability to make other feel better about themselves.

- We all have different personalities and different way of relating to one another, but we can all become great encouragers.

- Encouraging words are the glue that holds our relationships together.

- When you bring out the best in others and help them suceed, that success will come back to you and cuase you to rise higher, as well.

- A blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken.

- When we take the time and make the effort to be good to our family members and give them our best, then all the other relationships in our lives will improve as well.

- Encouraging words put people on their feet and bring out the best in them.

- Your words of affirmation can draw people close to you and add value to them.

- Up to 93 percent of communication effectiveness is determined by nonverbal cues.

- People can't always read your mind, but they can definitely read your face.

- It's easy to take our blessings for granted, but when we encourage one another, we remind ourselves how blessed we are to have such wonderful people surrounding us.

- When we realize the impact of our words, we'll seize every opportunity to paint positive images on the hearts of those we love.

- Sometimes you have to know when to let things go, even thoguh you may think you are right.